Wednesday, October 28, 2015

Love Rule #11

     Today's postcard comes to us from the Phoenix area and it's here to start us on the Love Rules!  I can't begin to tell you how excited I am to get our Love Rules started!  I'm going to state now that the probability of these Love Rules coming in in order is grossly overrated.  Believe me.  I've had to talk myself over it several times.  I was thinking about waiting until I had ones that were in order, but with how the post works and having volunteers write on the postcards, it could take weeks, or even months, before I would be able to post the first Love Rule.  Ya feel?   I've also realized that I'll probably have some postcards coming in that will overlap in numbers.  Haven't quite decided how I'm going to address that, and honestly, I probably won't until that problem arises!  I'm pretty good at procrastination.

     I've actually been to Bedrock City up at the Grand Canyon, AZ.  It was on my Bucket List, so this postcard was in my collection of self bought postcards from my travels.  The theme park was pretty stinkin' awesome if I do say so myself.  It was totally kitschy and cheesy, but I loved it!  The theme shop was full of the traditional touristy schtuff, Flintstones were everywhere, and there was so much to do once you went through the tourist shop.  I couldn't get enough. 

Love Rule # 11-  Love is a risk.  Do it anyway.

     I love this rule.  It really resonates with me with my anxiety and my fear of rejection, especially when I take into consideration my inability to talk to almost anyone of the male persuasion!  I don't even know what it is about them, but it's so, so difficult. What am I losing out on by not taking any risks?  Love is always a risk and you'll never know how it will pay out until you've jumped in and grabbed the bull by the horns.  Sometimes it's more than worth it and everything works out the way you think it should.  Yet sometimes, it just crashes and burns and you wonder how and why everything went wrong.  If you're anything like me, the crashing and the burning seem to be the area that likes to buddy up with me and I absolutely hate it! But because the tries I've had haven't ended up the way I wanted, I tell myself that I'm less likely to want to risk it all and try again.  That fear stops me from putting myself out there.  Who wants to live life always on the sidelines?  I know I don't and I have to do something about it! 

     How many of you guys have taken risks with love?  Did it pay or was it a crash and burner?  Let us know in the comments!

Happy Mailing!

Monday, October 26, 2015

Happiness Is...#2 Jam!

     A beautiful postcard from Indonesia found it's way to my mailbox  recently and I have to say, I love it! It looks like it came from national museum of some sort. One that I believe I would really enjoy visiting! I greatly enjoy the postcards that send me on a little trip somewhere other than where I am stuck.  My mother loves to watch House Hunters International because the different places people move to give her a chance to see places she would otherwise not be able to see.  It's the same idea for me.  Having the chance to see postcards from around the world give me a glimpse of what is outside of here.  Who knows if I'll ever have a chance to visit? I sure hope so!

     When I read the quote written on the back, I couldn't help but smile.  It was so, *so* true.
"Happiness is like jam.  You can't spread even a little without getting some on yourself."
     Happiness is one of those things that is so very, very contagious for people.  I know for me, it's so very difficult to refrain from smiling when witnessing happiness, whether it's with people or even animals!  Miriam-Webster states that Happiness is " a state of well-being and contentment; joy; and  a pleasurable or satisfying experience."  Though I have to battle daily with anxiety, I've never had an issue with finding happiness in things.  Whether it's scrolling through Ag pages on Facebook, playing with my puppy, or riding my horses, I can find happiness in my life.  Can you?  

     I believe that happiness is an integral ingredient in the recipe we call life.  <---  That was dorky, right?  But seriously.  Do you think you can have a successful, healthy life without happiness? I  don't believe so.  Especially with something as easy as a small piece happiness here and there.  I know better than most that happiness isn't always abundant in life, particularly when things seem to be headed towards a depressive state. But happiness is free for the taking and always available.  Sometimes it's right there in front of you, your family or your animals, but sometimes you do actually have to get out there and find it.   I promise it will be worth it.      

     Been having a rough go of things lately?  Has this Monday got you down?  I challenge you to go find happiness in your life today and let us know what that was for you! It doesn't have to be big, small happiness is still happiness!  If you have it within your means to provide someone else with happiness, let  us know about that too!

I loved this quote and I hope you guys enjoy it as well!

Happy Mailing!

Wednesday, October 14, 2015

I have a favor to ask! :D

Hey guys!

I hope your week is going fabulously well!  Or maybe it's not and that's why you are perusing our blog. :)  If that's the case, then thank you!  I appreciate having you here. I have some exciting new things in the works for the blog and I hope you might find one or two that you would love to participate in!

One of the things I've come across as a postcard lover, is accumulating 100's and 100's of blank postcards I've picked up in my travels, from swaps with other people, as gifts. You name it, I've probably received them in that way!  I have so many blank postcards I want to add to my collection, but they're NAKED!    Right?  Oh, the horror.  Blank postcards that have never made a journey through mailboxes or had a stamp adhered to their surface.  Sure, some people prefer to collect blank postcards and that's great! Makes it easier to send them their way! :D But I love them travel weary, with miles under their stamps, excited to show up in my mailbox.

So thinking of that, I have found that I arm in quite a conundrum. Boxes full of postcards, as blank as blank can be?  How ever would I change that? And then it hit me. I should ask our friends and followers! So here I am, guys, I'm here to plead my case and talk some more about my dealio.  If you saw it on Facebook already, no worries, you can skip this post.  I won’t feel bad. :3  Or! Maybe you have a friend who might be interested in participating? Just send this post their way!

Ever thought about sending me a postcard or participating in my project, but didn't know how?  No worries!  Just fill out my Postcard Request Form and I'll send them on their way! How does it work?  You fill out our form and let me know how many cards you'd like, whether you'd like them stamped or not(US only, unfortunately. International has to stamp their own postcards), and then you just wait for them to arrive!  Once the addressed postcards arrive, all you have to do is write on them and drop them in a mailbox to come my way!   I do blog every postcard that comes my way and I love to blog in-depth about the postcards that follow my requests!  With that being said, here are the things I would really love to see written on my postcards!  Here are a few ideas: 

Write a piece of advice (and who it was from/relation to you) you have received, a favorite quote of yours, a favorite book and/or movie, or anything that is important to you. Mini music playlists, authors, places you've visited, parts of your bucket list. Here are some more ideas. 
•Famous Last Words
•80's Song Lyrics
•Favorite Line From A Book
•Who's Your Hero
•Bucket List
•Favorite Vacation Spot
•Most Inspiring Quote/song/book 

I will also be thinking about hosting a small tri-monthly giveaway as a thank you for anyone who has sent us our postcards back!  So be sure to check that little box if you'd like that as an incentive for participating!

If you have any questions, please let me know! I am so excited to send postcards and blog about what I receive back!  

Happy Mailings!

Wednesday, October 7, 2015

Lewis Carroll's "Alice in Wonderland" and The Fox

One of the best things about postcards, in my honest opinion, is the ability that little piece of paper has to brighten up your day!  Sure, most of the postcards you receive will be something you're looking for or swapped for, but every once in a while, the postcard you see in your mailbox just makes your day!  That's the case for the subject of this fabulous post!  I slid my key into the lock and opened up the little door, and this beauty was sitting on top!
Look at this cute little fox and his adorable chickies!  There are the two that are sleeping, oblivious to the world, the one sitting on top of his furry little orange head like a hat, and the fourth just standing there.  I love them all!  The fox has adorable little feet.  It almost looks like he stepped into sticky mud and it never came off!  Though, I have to say that this little illustration reminds me of a children's story!  Do you see his little teeth?  So cute!
This is such a great quote! I remember reading Alice in Wonderland as a child and it was such a trip, heading down the rabbit hole into the strange new land.  There are quite a few quotes from those writings that we could take note in, but we would agree in saying this is probably one of the most important. "I can't go back to yesterday because I was a different person then." How true is that?  Things happen in our life that aren't always what we want to happen, and we feel, sometimes, that we are in the wrong place at the wrong time and we'd do anything we could to change that.  But the fact of the matter is, we can't.  It's as simple as that.  Not only that, but even if we could, we would change the entire course of the rest of our lives!  Maybe that was meant to happen.  After all, don't they say everything happens for a reason?  I believe that.  Certainly, that doesn't always mean that the things that happened were happy or joyful, but it definitely helped shape us to be the people we are today.  We can't change the past but we can go forward and try to have a happier future!

Have any of you read "Alice in Wonderland"?  Let me know in the comments about your favorite part!

Happy Mailing!