Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Love Rule #1

Looks like we've found our #1 Love Rule already!  It came quite a bit faster than I thought it would have! :D When I first read this particular rule, I couldn't help but to agree wholeheartedly to it!  Not only did I feel that this rule fit with pairs of significant others, it also fits within friendly relationships!

The postcard is an illustration of the Grand Teton National Park in Wyoming. "The lofty peaks of the Grand Teton's blue-gray of 2 billion year old rock , were carved by glaciers over millenia."  I've never been to the Grand Tetons, but guess whattttt?  It's on my bucket list!  I'd love to go someday and I have heard wonderful, wonderful things about it.  We are lucky being in the United States and having so many wonderful National and State Parks.  Theodore Roosevelt certainly did us a service!  What's your favorite National/State Park?

I also love the set of postcards this particular one came in.  They're all hand drawn/illustrated and depict the various parks around the United States. They kind of have a vintage look to them that I absolutely love. I bought an entire postcard book of these over sized postcards and I can't wait to receive them all back with things written on them!

" Love Rule #1
A relationship/marriage is a two-way street.  Be considerate of your significant other."

Brianna continued to write " My hubby and I ALWAYS work together.  There is NO job either can't do.  We are a team.  And with that, we are unstoppable! <3"  I agree with this, as I said above, wholeheartedly.  One of the other words that comes to mind when I think of being considerate, is being respectful.  These two go hand in hand with each other when it comes to relationships, both romantically and platonic-ally.  Sometimes, when emotions are running high, it's hard to remember that you're not the only one who may be feeling hurt or misunderstood.  There always needs to be compromise, respect, and working together.

How cute is the stamp that matches the love rule completely?  Red heart with the scrolley letters of 'Forever' inscribed in the middle.  I know there's a matching white and red stamp that is cuter than this one.  The stamps the USPS puts out are kind of hit or miss, but they've been coming up with some pretty neat ones lately!

This was a great Love Rule and I am so excited to see what the next one is!  Let me know your thoughts are in the comments!

Happy Mailing!

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