Saturday, November 21, 2015

The Pinto

Today's postcard comes to us from FL and while it doesn't have a quote, list, or a piece of advice, I still love it. Not all of the postcards I post will be in response to the postcard writing prompts I have.  When postcards like that come in, I'll just be posting the front of the postcard, the stamps, and info about the postcard.  Sometimes it's fun to see what other postcards others have felt like sending me!  These are surprises that someone felt like sending and I absolutely love them. Sometimes I get doubles, or even triples, of a postcard I already have.  But each and everyone has something different written on it!

This little gem is absolutely fabulous.  As you've probably figured out from my other posts, I'm a big horse person.  No, let's rephrase that.  HUGE horse person.  I absolutely love this art postcard from the talented Amy Jean Porter.  Head on over to her website and see just how talented she is!  I'm loving the rest of the horse series and there are so many ADORABLE hedgiehog pieces that I feel like I just have to have!  Her style of drawing is just so great to me.  It's distinct and very easy to like. This postcard is definitely going to be one of my favorites!

The USPS has always had a history of having some pretty great Olympic stamps over the years, but I think this is one of my least favorites. HAH!  I like the 'smudgy' art look for certain things, but I'm not so sure that javelin throw is one of them!  The green color is pretty fabulous though.  Gives it a little bit of a different look from the rest of the stamps that usually have a white or blue or red background!  That 3 cent stamp has been around for what seems like forever.  For some weird reason, it always makes me think of Jesus Christ Superstar.  LOL.  I'm not even sure what it is about it.  Maybe because it kind of looks like someone standing like Jesus with multicolored light shadows behind it?  I have no clue.  The end of the school semester is getting to my brain!!!

Well, that's it for this post.  Tune in next time for the Indiana State Flag!

Happy Mailings!

Post Soundtrack

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